
© Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust

Sincerity and aspiration

3 November 1954

This talk is based upon Sri Aurobindo's Bases of Yoga, Chapter 2, "Faith--Aspiration--Surrender".

"In this Yoga all depends on whether one can open to the influence or not. If there is a sincerity in the aspiration and a patient will to arrive at the higher consciousness in spite of all obstacles, then the opening in one form or another is sure to come."

"The opening in one form or another is sure to come"... Are there many kinds of openings?

Oh, yes! First of all there are many different parts of the being and each one can open in its own way, you see; the mental opening and the vital opening are very different in nature and the physical opening is still more different.

What is the physical opening?

That's when the physical body opens to the divine influence and receives the divine forces.

For example, you see, there's a moment when the divine forces come and penetrate all the cells. To begin with, it is the physical consciousness, the body consciousness which opens first to the influence of the Divine and understands and wants nothing else but this, the divine Presence, the divine influence. There are also the body's feelings, and the very cells of the body, which can open to receive the force. For instance, when at a certain moment one feels a kind of very intense vibration spreading through the whole body and at that time one feels filled with a strength, an unusual force, a consciousness also, and all things [old p. 389]become clear [new p. 389]and perceptible, then that's an opening of the body; it is when the body knows, you see, and has succeeded in opening to the influence.